Punk Rock Jesus (2012) VERTIGO COMICS

Punk Rock Jesus #1 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story, 1st Appearance of Chris fairling (Punk Rock Jesus) & Gwen Fairling
Punk Rock Jesus #1 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story, 1st Appearance of Chris fairling (Punk Rock Jesus) & Gwen Fairling The newest reality show hit has the unlikeliest celebrity of all in this new black and white miniseries from writer/artist Sean Murphy (JOE THE BARBARIAN, Off Road)!
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Punk Rock Jesus #1 (2012) Near Mint/Mint $9.99


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Punk Rock Jesus #2 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story, 2nd Appearance of Chris fairling (Punk Rock Jesus) & Gwen Fairling
Punk Rock Jesus #2 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story, 2nd Appearance of Chris fairling (Punk Rock Jesus) & Gwen Fairling The media circus around baby Chris reaches fever pitch as he performs his first 'miracle' - but all may not be as it seems. Meanwhile, Thomas begins to question OPHIS's methods, and young Gwen discovers exactly what it means to raise the new Messiah as the whole world is watching.
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Punk Rock Jesus #2 (2012) Near Mint/Mint $7.99

 Punk Rock Jesus #3 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story
Punk Rock Jesus #3 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story "Exodus" As Chris grows up to be a teenager, he starts to question his existence, rebelling against his 'captors' in front of the whole world. Meanwhile, Gwen's depression has Thomas and Epstein worried, but all Slate sees is increasing ratings...
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Punk Rock Jesus #3 (2012) Near Mint/Mint $7.99


 Punk Rock Jesus #4 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story
Punk Rock Jesus #4 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story A devastating loss pushes Chris to the brink. Feeling betrayed and alone, he begins to research the world that Slate and OPHIS have kept him from his entire life. Armed with new knowledge, a new haircut, and a new attitude, an angry Chris is about to tell the whole world the truth. And it all starts after he discovers a few old records in Thomas's room...
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Punk Rock Jesus #4 (2012) Near Mint/Mint $7.99


 Punk Rock Jesus #5 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story
Punk Rock Jesus #5 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story 'A legend in the making...Give it a shot, if only so you can say you were there when it happened.'-Comic Book Resources Chris and his band The Flak Jackets go on tour to spread his secular message across America. But his band wants to pull out when the conflict between the New American Christians and the punk army gets brutal. Will Chris be able to put a stop to the anarchy before everything ends in a violently horrible Second Coming?
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Punk Rock Jesus #5 (2012) Near Mint/Mint $7.99

 Punk Rock Jesus #6 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story
Punk Rock Jesus #6 (2012) Sean Murphy Cover & Pencils, Sean Murphy Story In this thrilling conclusion to the acclaimed miniseries, Chris and the Flak Jackets head to Jerusalem, the last stop on their world tour. But in this final concert, will the punk messiah rise above the protests from the world's three major religions, or will he take matters into his own hands?
1 Item In Stock
Punk Rock Jesus #6 (2012) Near Mint/Mint $7.99