Micronauts Vol. 1 (1979-1984) Marvel Comics
Micronauts #5 Michael Golden Cover (1979). Bill Mantlo Story. On Homeworld, Slug, leader of the underground movement is imprisoned in the body Banks of Baron Karza. But this one don't know who she is and watch at her like another pity prisoner of his Dog Soldiers while the young woman is trying to locate and liberate the Prince Argon . At this moment, the prince , transformed by Karza in a centaur, succeed to free by himself but the tyrant stop him in a few seconds, Unfortunately, Slug shows herself insulting the Baron and this one decides to give her beautiful body to a old duchess Belladonna., a faithful customer of the Body banks.
Micronauts #5 Michael Golden Cover (1979) Fine $7.99
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Micronauts #8 (1979) Michael Golden Cover & Pencisl, Bill Mantlo Story, 1st appearance of Captain Universe (Ray Coffin), Very Rare "Earth Wars!" The Microns and Steve Coffin reach the Human Engineering Life Laboratories (HELL) at Cape Canveral, where they find a pitched battle in progress. Steve tells the head of security, Colonel Macey, that their foe is Baron Karza from the Microverse.
Micronauts #8 (1979) Michael Golden Cover(1979) Fine/Very Fine $39.99
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Micronauts #9 (1979) Michael Golden Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Spartak & Cilicia (First Appearance) "Home Is Where the Heart Is!" The Endeavor returns to the Microverse, only to find itself surrounded by the Acroyear fleet. As far as the Microns - and especially Acroyear - know, the people of Spartak are still under the influence of Baron Karza's thoughtwash and loyal to the usurper, Shaitan. An Acroyear ship hails the Endeavor and orders the crew to prepare for towing. They land and step out of the ship to face a daunting array of arms and armor.
Micronauts #9 (1979) Michael Golden Cover(1979) Fine/Very Fine $99.99
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Micronauts #10 (1979) Michael Golden Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "Defeat!" Karza, atop his flagship, holds up Rann's limp body. Marionette aims her fighter at Karza but is shot down by a missile from his midsection; his detachable gauntlet drags her in. Microtron hears her yell and turns his fighter toward the flagship. Bug jumps off Microtron's fighter to attack a Phobos; his rocket-lance ignites its fuel pods and he's caught in the explosion. Microtron hears him yell and (unaccountably ignoring Marionette) flees to the surface of Spartak. A letter in MicroMails asks an interesting question: did Mego, the maker of the Micronaut toys, have any input into the comic book? The answer is no, not beyond creating the toys in the first place.
Micronauts #10 (1979) Michael Golden Cover (1979) Fine/Very Fine $19.99
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Micronauts #12 (1979) Michael Golden Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Classic Acroyear Cover "To the Victors Belongs a World!" Baron Karza is dead! The Great Pit is dark, the Body Banks are quiet, the Dog Soldiers are imprisoned. The people of Homeworld honor the Microns at a rally. Then the time comes to heal, to rebuild, to chart a new future.
Micronauts #12 (1979) Michael Golden Cover (1979) Fine/Very Fine $14.99
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Micronauts #13 (1979) Michael Golden Cover & Howard Chaykin Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Jasmine, Queen Esmera & Wartstaff (First Appearance) "Be It Ever So Deadly!" Bug awakes in a forest, glad to be alive (he barely survived an explosion in issue #10). When he climbs a tree and spots the Central Nest, he is glad to know that he is on his own world of Kaliklak.
Micronauts #13 (1979) Michael Golden Cover (1979) Fine/Very Fine $9.99
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Micronauts #14 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Howard Chaykin Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Jasmine, Queen Esmera & Wartstaff (First Appearance) "Be It Ever So Deadly!" Bug awakes in a forest, glad to be alive (he barely survived an explosion in issue #10). When he climbs a tree and spots the Central Nest, he is glad to know that he is on his own world of Kaliklak.
Micronauts #14 (1980) Michael Golden Cover Fine/Very Fine $9.99
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Micronauts #15 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Howard Chaykin Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Fantastic Four Guest Appearance "The Inside Job!" The HMS Endeavor, with the Microns aboard, has barely begun its second voyage to explore the Microverse when a gigantic ship blocks its course.
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Micronauts #15 (1980) Michael Golden Cover Very Fine+
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Micronauts #16 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Howard Chaykin Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Fantastic Four Guest Appearance "Rendezvous in Sub-Atomica!" An "antigravitational flux tube" draws the Microns to another part of the worldship, where they confront Psycho-Man.
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Micronauts #16 (1980) Michael Golden Cover Very Fine $9.99
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Micronauts #17 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Howard Chaykin Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Jasmine (Death) "... the Harder They Fall!" Psycho-Man shut off his Psychotron when a gigantic Human Torch appeared on his worldship. The Microns and the Fantastic Four feel faint. Rann realizes that the gigantic flames are using up the limited oxygen on the ship, so he closes his visor and glides up to tell Johnny to stop. He does—just as he passes out too. Psycho-Man slaps Rann out of the air, leaving only Biotron conscious. Magnets rise out of the floor around him and pull him apart! The "drones" are based on Micronaut toys called Alphatron, Betatron, and Gammatron.
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Micronauts #17 (1980) Michael Golden Cover Very Fine $7.99
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Micronauts #18 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Howard Chaykin Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, The Star Searcher, another Micronaut toy, makes its first appearance in this issue. "Child Eyes!" The Endeavor warps back into normal space, but the Microns have no idea what world they're reached. The huge vegetation looks like Earth's. They bury Jasmine, Bug's "lady-bug," in Rann's hibernation couch, where he spent a thousand years in suspended animation. When Mari asks why, he says, "I plan to spend the rest of my life awake!"
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Micronauts #18 (1980) Michael Golden Cover Very Fine $9.99
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Micronauts #19 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Odd John (First appearance), Ant-Man (Scott Lang) Appearance "Divided They Fall" Having wandered away from the other Microns, Bug comes across a barnyard. He evades a cow, a chicken, and a pig, to whom he is just another insect. A human sprays him, puts him in a glass box, and sends a mutagen gas into the box.
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Micronauts #19 (1980) Michael Golden Cover Very Fine $9.99
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Micronauts #20 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) Appearance "Enter: Ant-Man" The Endeavor and the Astrostation go to Food World, a supermarket in a nearby town. Ant-Man, following a swarm of ants, arrives first, but Bug shoots down the ant he's riding.
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Micronauts #20 (1980) Michael Golden Cover Very Fine $7.99
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Micronauts #22 (1980) Newstand Variant Michael Golden Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "The Best Darned Burglar in the Whole Wide World!" Lady Slug discovers that an old evil may not be as dead as it seemed, while on Earth the Micronauts stop a burglar!
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Micronauts #22 (1980) Newstand Variant Very Fine+ $8.99
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Micronauts #22 (1980) Web-Head Barcode Variant Michael Golden Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "The Best Darned Burglar in the Whole Wide World!" Lady Slug discovers that an old evil may not be as dead as it seemed, while on Earth the Micronauts stop a burglar!
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Micronauts #22 (1980) Web-Head Barcode Variant Very Fine+ $9.99
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Micronauts #23 (1980) Michael Golden Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, 1st Appearance of Prince Pharoid & Margrace, Molecule Man Appearance "Field Trip!" The Micronauts battle a resurrected Molecule Man. Meanwhile, Lady Slug finds herself unexpectedly rescued from a brainwashed Prince Argon by Pharoid of Aegypta and his desert demons!
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Micronauts #23 (1980) Very Fine+ $7.99
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Micronauts #30 (1981) Pat Broderick Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, 1st Appearance Nanotron & Aquon, Doctor Strange Appearance "Home Sweet Homeworld!" The Micronauts are sent by King Argon on a quest to find the three keys which can save the Microverse from imminent destruction.
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Micronauts #30 (1981) Fine/Very Fine $4.99
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Micronauts #31 (1981) Frank Miller Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Bill Mantlo & Pat Broderick Story, Doctor Strange Appearance "My Body Lies over Oceania" As Dr. Strange investigates the origins of the Microverse, the Micronauts witness the final fate of Seazone.
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Micronauts #31 (1981) Fine/Very Fine $4.99
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Micronauts #32 (1981) Pat Broderick Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Doctor Strange Appearance "Snowblind" The micronauts continue their quest for the three keys in Polaria.
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Micronauts #32 (1981) Very Fine $4.99
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Micronauts #35 (1981) Bob Layton Cover & Val Mayerik Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, 1st Appearance of Death Squad, Captain Universe Appearance, Special Double Size Issue "The Origin of the Microverse!" Rann and Dr Strange discover the origins of the Microverse and save it from destruction, but at the cost of a Micronaut's life. and King Argon swears to hunt the Micronauts down...
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Micronauts #35 (1981) Very Fine $11.99
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Micronauts #36 (1981) Bob Layton Cover & Keith Giffen Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, 2nd Appearance of Death Squad "This Battlefield Earth!" The Micronauts face Argon's Death Squad in a school on Earth.
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Micronauts #36 (1981) Very Fine $4.99
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Micronauts #38 (1982) Michael Golden Cover & John Garcia Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "First-Flight" Rann, Acroyear and Bug recall pivotal events from their pasts... "Tales of the Microverse...: The Forge of Friendship!"
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Micronauts #38 (1982) Very Fine+ $4.99
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Micronauts #39 (1982) Michael Golden Cover & Steve Ditko Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "Starting Over!" As the Micronauts cause havoc in a comic store on Earth, King Argon announces that Duchess Belladonna can have the body of the Lady Slug to restore her lost youth.
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Micronauts #38 (1982) Very Fine+ $4.99
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Micronauts #40 (1982) Gil Kane Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Fantastic Four Micronauts Team-Up "The Fugitives, the Frenzy and the Fantastic Four!" The Micronauts stop an Antron invasion of the Baxter Building with the aid of the Thing and Franklin Richards. The phone number of the Fantastic Four is revealed: 884-4444.
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Micronauts #40 (1982) Very Fine- $4.99
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Micronauts #41 (1982) Gil Kane Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Dr Doom Appearance "Everyone's Little in Liddleville!" The Micronauts become caught up in a battle for control of Liddleville between the Puppet Master and Dr Doom.
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Micronauts #41 (1982) Very Fine- $4.99
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Micronauts #42 (1982) Gil Kane Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Wasp Appearance "Knave, Thy Name is Nemesis!" The Micronauts and the Wasp tangle with Dr. Nemesis at a society party, and three of the team are apparently shrunk out of existence.
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Micronauts #42 (1982) Very Fine- $4.99
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Micronauts #43 (1982) Gil Kane Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Avengers Appearance "Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig!" As Marionette, Bug and Acroyear foment rebellion on Homeworld, Rann, Devil and the Roboids encounter Computrex in the bowels of H.E.L.L.
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Micronauts #43 (1982) Very Fine $3.99
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Micronauts #44 (1982) Gil Kane Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "Charnel House!" Devil survives falling into the Prometheus Pit but is burned so badly that he becomes feral. He and Rann destroy Computrex and the undead Professor Prometheus, but realize they have no way home. Meanwhile, Lady Slug makes her move as Duchess Belladonna turns against King Argon.
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Micronauts #44 (1982) Very Fine $3.99
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Micronauts #45 (1982) Gil Kane Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "Blinded by the Light!" Mari confrons her brother and sees the full horror of what he has become, while back on Earth, Rann and the others become playthings of Arcade.
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Micronauts #45 (1982) Very Fine $3.99
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Micronauts #46 (1982) Ed Hannigan Cover & Luke McDonnell Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "Adrift!" Rann finally loses his last Micronauts on Earth and then encounters the bizarre Soul Survivors, while Belladonna learns the origin of Lady Slug.
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Micronauts #46 (1982) Very Fine $3.99
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Micronauts #47 (1982) Ed Hannigan Cover & Mike Vosburg Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, DeGrayde Appearance "Discovery!" The rebellion continues on homeworld, as Commander Rann learns the terrible history of the Soul Survivors, humanoids from the Microverse who he inadvertently led to believe he was a god thousands of years ago, and who have now evolved into soul sucking monsters who worship the 'Time Traveler'! Then, a giant robot ship in the shape of the late Biotron arrives...
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Micronauts #47 (1982) Very Fine+ $3.99
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Micronauts #48 (1982) Ed Hannigan Cover & Jackson Guice Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Death of Microtron & Nanotron "Resurrection!" Arcturus Rann learns the secret of the Bioship, and prepares to return to Homeworld.
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Micronauts #48 (1982) Very Fine+ $3.99
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Micronauts #49 (1983) Jackson Guice Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Death of Force Commander "Keep the Home Fires Burning!" Rann returns to Homeworld, where the truth about Argon is finally revealed-as Baron Karza returns!
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Micronauts #49 (1982) Very Fine+ $3.99
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Micronauts #50 (1983) Wraparound Jackson Guice Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Death of Pharoid, Slug, Belladona, and Margrace "Sometimes the Good Guys Lose!" Baron Karza triumphant, as Pharoid, Slug, Belladona, and Margrace die and the surviving Micronauts are forced to flee Homeworld once again.
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Micronauts #50 (1983) Very Fine+ $4.99
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Micronauts #51 (1983) Wraparound Jackson Guice Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story "He Who Turns and Runs Away" Lady Cilicia is determined to bring Acroyear to trial for his crimes against their race...in a duel to the death!!
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Micronauts #51 (1983) Very Fine+ $4.99
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Micronauts #52 (1983) Wraparound Jackson Guice Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Prince Aquon (Death) "Harm Is Where the Heart Is!" As Baron Karza wreaks havoc on Homeworld, killing all but one of the population of Seazone, Acroyear is forced to fight his beloved Cilicia, who accuses him of betraying his race.
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Micronauts #52 (1983) Very Fine+ $5.99
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Micronauts #53 (1983) Wraparound Jackson Guice Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Issue includes humorous homages to the Marvel Bullpen: Guice Shoe Repair, Shooter's Deli, Kirby Comics and Terry Austin where are you? "The Untouchables!" Commander Rann's band face danger, gangland style, as they find themselves on a prison world planet resembling earth where the only form of law and order is "The Untouchables."
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Micronauts #53 (1983) Very Fine+ $5.99
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Micronauts #54 (1983) Jackson Guice Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Kelley Jones Inks, 1st Kelley Jones Work in Comic Books "Murder-1!" The Micronauts Mob plan to bust out from the gangster-run Prison Planet, only to be sentenced to death by a three-headed robot judge called, Tri-bunal.
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Micronauts #54 (1983) Very Fine+ $11.99
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Micronauts #55 (1983) Jackson Guice Wraparound Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Kelley Jones Inks, Huntarr (Joins group) "Huntarr Hunts Alone!" Huntarr searches through a Karza-dominated Homeworld to discover the fate of his mother and sister. When he finds them, he realizes that they want to escape their imprisonment in their own way.
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Micronauts #55 (1983) Very Fine $4.99
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Micronauts #56 (1983) Jackson Guice Wraparound Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Kelley Jones Inks "The Conquest of Kaliklak!" The Micronauts ponder their next destination aboard the Bioship, despairing that Homeworld is out of their grasp when Bug suggests they venture to his home world of Kaliklak to seek aid.
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Micronauts #56 (1983) Very Fine+ $4.99
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Micronauts #57 (1984) Jackson Guice Wraparound Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Kelley Jones Inks, Wolverine Tribe 1st Appearance, 48 Page Special "The World of Never-Summer!" The Micronauts attack one of Baron Karza’s courier ships led by Captain D’Ark to seek information about where he’ll next strike and learn it to be a world called Never-Summer.
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Micronauts #57 (1984) Very Fine+ $7.99
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Micronauts #58 (1984) Jackson Guice Wraparound Cover & Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Kelley Jones Inks, 1st Appearance of Biotron II & Microtron II, Death of Baron Karza "The Long and Winding Road!" The Micronauts breach the spacewall with the help of Fireflyte’s song after working with the X-Men to battle The Entity on Earth. The final chapter in the war against Baron Karza! All the storylines come together in this remarkable issue - and we won't tell you who wins!
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Micronauts #58 (1984) Very Fine $7.99
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