Marvel Team Up Vol. 1 (1972-1985) Marvel Comics

Marvel Team Up #12 Aug '73  'Wolf at Bay' Having taken an assignment to San Francisco to take pictures of Daredevil and the Black Widow in order to get his mind off the death of Gwen Stacy, Peter finds his first bout of web-slinging in San Francisco interrupted by an attack from the Werewolf, Jack Russell. Story Len Wein.  Gil Kane Cover Art. Ross Andru Pencils.
Marvel Team Up #12 Aug '73 'Wolf at Bay' Having taken an assignment to San Francisco to take pictures of Daredevil and the Black Widow in order to get his mind off the death of Gwen Stacy, Peter finds his first bout of web-slinging in San Francisco interrupted by an attack from the Werewolf, Jack Russell. Story Len Wein. Gil Kane Cover Art. Ross Andru Pencils.

Marvel Team Up #12 Fine+

Marvel Team Up #30 (1975) Gil Kane Cover, Jim Mooney Pencils, Gerry Conway Story, Falcon teams up with Spider-Man

Marvel Team Up #30 (1975) Gil Kane Cover, Jim Mooney Pencils, Gerry Conway Story, Falcon teams up with Spider-Man Alerted of trouble on the street, Spider-Man swings to the rescue and finds that it's his fellow Daily Bugle co-worker in his civilian guise, Glory Grant. After fighting off the thugs, Glory asks Spider-Man to carry one into her apartment, and reveals that he is her cousin. When it appears that Glory's cousin is under some sort of mind control, Spider-Man decides to investigate.

Marvel Team Up #30 (1975) Fine/Very Fine
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Marvel Team Up #34 (1975) Gil Kane Cover, Sal Buscema Pencils, Gerry Conway Story, Spider-Man & Valkyrie

Marvel Team Up #34 (1975) Gil Kane Cover, Sal Buscema Pencils, Gerry Conway Story, Spider-Man & Valkyrie "Beware the Death Crusade!" As Spider-Man sits and mulls over the supposed return of Gwen Stacy, he is attacked once again by the Looter/Meteor Man, who easily defeats the distracted Spider-Man and dumps him in New York harbor. Meanwhile, at the private riding academy of Kyle Richmond, Nighthawk (Richmond himself) meets with his fellow Defender, Valkyrie. Explaining his anger over his previous encounter with Spider-Man, when Nighthawk informs Valkyrie that he let the Meteor Man go free, Valkyrie flies off on Aragorn to capture him.

Marvel Team Up #34 (1975) Very Good/Fine $4.99

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Marvel Team-Up #38 (1975) Ron Wilson, Mike Esposito and Gaspar Saladino Cover, Sal Buscema Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Spider-Man & Beast Team-Up Back Cover

Marvel Team-Up #38 (1975) Ron Wilson, Mike Esposito and Gaspar Saladino Cover, Sal Buscema Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Spider-Man & Beast Team-Up "Night of the Griffin" As Spider-Man sits and mulls over the supposed return of Gwen Stacy, he is attacked once again by the Looter/Meteor Man, who easily defeats the distracted Spider-Man and dumps him in New York harbor. Meanwhile, at the private riding academy of Kyle Richmond, Nighthawk (Richmond himself) meets with his fellow Defender, Valkyrie. Explaining his anger over his previous encounter with Spider-Man, when Nighthawk informs Valkyrie that he let the Meteor Man go free, Valkyrie flies off on Aragorn to capture him.

Marvel Team Up #38 (1975) Very Good/Fine $7.99

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Marvel Team Up #46 (1976)Rich Buckler Sr. Cover, Sal Buscema Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Spider-Man & Deathlok
Marvel Team Up #46 (1976) Rich Buckler Sr. Cover, Sal Buscema Pencils, Bill Mantlo Story, Spider-Man & Deathlok Team-Up, 1st Appearance of Cubists, Strake, Grisson "Future Shock: Part II ...Am I Now or Have I Ever Been?"

Marvel Team Up #46 (1976) Very Good/Fine $4.99
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Marvel Team Up #47 July, 1976  Continued from Marvel Two-In-One #17... Basilisk has raised a volcano in the middle of New York harbor, and has defeated the Thing. With only Spider-Man to face him, Basilisk throws the unconscious Thing at Spider-Man. Story Bill Mantlo.  Gil Kane Cover Art. Ron Wilson Pencils.
Marvel Team Up #47 (1976) Story Bill Mantlo, Gil Kane Cover, Ron Wilson Pencils, Spider-man & Ben Grimm Team-up "I Have to Fight the Basilisk!" Continued from Marvel Two-In-One #17... Basilisk has raised a volcano in the middle of New York harbor, and has defeated the Thing. With only Spider-Man to face him, Basilisk throws the unconscious Thing at Spider-Man.

Marvel Team Up #47 Very Good+ $5.99

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Marvel Team Up #48 Aug '76   John Romita Cover. Bill Mantlo Story. Pencils by Sal Buscema While swinging past a Stark Industries building, Spider-Man is knocked away by an explosion and is saved by Iron Man. They are confronted by police detective Jean DeWolff, who has been investigating a series of bombings involving notes that are the same as the one Iron Man got warning him of the bomb.
Marvel Team Up #48 Aug '76 John Romita Cover. Bill Mantlo Story. Pencils by Sal Buscema While swinging past a Stark Industries building, Spider-Man is knocked away by an explosion and is saved by Iron Man. They are confronted by police detective Jean DeWolff, who has been investigating a series of bombings involving notes that are the same as the one Iron Man got warning him of the bomb.

Marvel Team Up #48 Very Fine
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Marvel Team Up #80 April, 1979 Chris Claremont Story. When Peter Parker and his date are attacked by a strange wolfman, it takes all of Peter's skill to fight the monster off without exposing himself as Spider-Man. After the fight he finds Dr. Strange's Eye of Agamotto and takes it into his possession. After making sure his date is safe in the hospital, Peter pays a visit to Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum as Spider-Man.
Marvel Team Up #80 April, 1979 Chris Claremont Story. When Peter Parker and his date are attacked by a strange wolfman, it takes all of Peter's skill to fight the monster off without exposing himself as Spider-Man. After the fight he finds Dr. Strange's Eye of Agamotto and takes it into his possession. After making sure his date is safe in the hospital, Peter pays a visit to Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum as Spider-Man.

Marvel Team Up #80 Very Fine

Marvel Team Up #82 No Way to Treat a Lady. Black Widow Team Up. Sal Buscema Pencils.
Marvel Team Up #82 June, 1979. No Way to Treat a Lady. Black Widow Team Up. Sal Buscema Pencils.
Marvel Team Up #82 Fine

Marvel Team Up #83 July, 1979. Spider-Man lies on the snow-covered roof of the West Side Manhattan tenement where Nick Fury gunned him down a few hours before.. Sal Buscema Pencils.
Marvel Team-Up #83 (1979) Rich Buckler and Steve Leialoha Cover, Chris Claremont Writer, Sal Buscema Pencils, 1st Appearance of Virgil Ames & Maggie McCulloch, Featuring Nick Fury "Slaughter on 10th Avenue" Spider-Man lies on the snow-covered roof of the West Side Manhattan tenement where Nick Fury gunned him down a few hours before..
Marvel Team Up #83 Very Fine $5.99

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Spider-man and Guardians of the Galaxy Team Up #86 October, 1979. Spider-man and Guardians of the Galaxy Team Up. Chris Claremon Story.
Marvel Team Up #83 October, 1979. Spider-man and Guardians of the Galaxy Team Up. Chris Claremon Story.
Marvel Team Up #86 Fine
Not For Sale

Marvel Team Up #87 November, 1979 Black Panther Team Up. Gene Colan Pencils.
Marvel Team Up #87 November, 1979 Black Panther Team Up. Gene Colan Pencils.
Marvel Team Up #87 Very Fine

Marvel Team Up #88 Peter Parker is bored to death on a photography assignment at a Central Park society luncheon. Even the presence of socialites Sue Richards and Janet and Henry Pym provides no relief.Marvel Team Up #88 (1979) Rich Buckler Cover, Chris Claremont Story, Sal Buscema Pencils, 1st Appearance of Hole in the Wall Gang "A Child Is Waiting" Peter Parker is bored to death on a photography assignment at a Central Park society luncheon. Even the presence of socialites Sue Richards and Janet and Henry Pym provides no relief.

Marvel Team Up #88
Very Fine/Near Mint $9.99


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Marvel Team Up #89 (1980) Rich Buckler Sr. Cover & Pencils, Chris Claremont Story, 1st Appearance of Cutthroat
Marvel Team Up #89 (1980) Rich Buckler Sr. Cover & Pencils, Chris Claremont Story, 1st Appearance of Cutthroat "Shoot Out Over Center Ring!" TWA flight 101 from Moscow to New York arrives on schedule at Kennedy International Airport at 7:30 p.m. As Amanda Sefton, a senior flight attendant on the plane, hauls her baggage through the airport door, she is suddenly greeted with a kiss from Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler.
Marvel Team Up #89 (1980) Very Fine+ $9.99

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Marvel Team Up #90 (1980) Allen (Al) Milgrom Cover & Bob McLeod Pencils, Steven Grant Story, 1st Appearance of Modular Man
Marvel Team Up #90 (1980) Allen (Al) Milgrom Cover & Bob McLeod Pencils, Steven Grant Story, 1st Appearance of Modular Man "Death on the Air" Peter Parker has taken Cissy Ironwood to the Empire State University Technology 1980 science exhibit. As they enter the hall, they see the Beast, who is currently with the Avengers, at the center of a group of adoring coeds. Peter wonders how the Beast manages to attract so many women. Don't those women, he asks enviously, have any self respect?
Marvel Team Up #90 (1980) Very Fine/Near Mint $4.99

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Marvel Team Up #91 (1980) Rich Buckler Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Steven Grant Story, 1st Appearance of Muck Monster, Amazing Six-Armed Spider-Man & Gorilla Woman
Marvel Team Up #91 (1980) Rich Buckler Cover & Pat Broderick Pencils, Steven Grant Story, 1st Appearance of Muck Monster, Amazing Six-Armed Spider-Man & Gorilla Woman "Carnival of Souls!" Peter Parker and Gloria Grant are at a carnival in Connecticut. It is the last day of the carnival season, and thousands of New Yorkers are taking advantage of the balmy weather for an end-of-summer fling.
Marvel Team Up #91 (1980) Very Fine/Near Mint $4.99
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Spider-man and HawkEye Team Up #92
Marvel Team Up #92
Very Fine/Near Mint

Marvel Team Up #93 (1980) Don Perlin Cover &  Carmine Infantino Pencils, Steven Grant Story, Dansen Macabre Next Empty (First appearance), Werewolf by Night Team Up

Marvel Team Up #93 (1980) Don Perlin Cover & Carmine Infantino Pencils, Steven Grant Story, Dansen Macabre Next Empty (First appearance), Werewolf by Night Team Up "Rags to Riches!" Peter Parker is in Los Angeles on assignment for the Daily Globe, and, his work finished, he is at the gala opening of Cat's Jazz Club before returning to New York. As he observes the attendees, he is surprised to see Jack Russell, who he knows from a previous meeting is the Werewolf.
Marvel Team Up #93 (1980)
Very Fine/Near Mint
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Marvel Team Up #94 (1980) Al Milgrom Cover &  Mike Zeck Pencils, Steven Grant Story, Mike Esposito Inks
Marvel Team Up #94 (1980) Al Milgrom Cover & Mike Zeck Pencils, Steven Grant Story, Mike Esposito Inks "Darkness, Darkness..." Six hours earlier, Spider-Man encountered the Werewolf in a Los Angeles nightclub known as Cat's Jazz Club. It is now well after closing time, and Cat and Mouse are cleaning the place up.
Marvel Team Up #94 (1980) Near Mint $5.99
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Marvel Team Up #95
Marvel Team Up #95 Near Mint

Marvel Team Up #96 By Alan Kupperberg. Howard the Duck, now working as a taxicab driver, has driven a customer to New York all the way from Cleveland. This man, calling himself Status Quo was a mild mannered librarian when the constant advent of new fads drove him into a madness. Wanting to destroy all fads, Status Quo began studying how the media and advertisers help encourage fads, and now has come to New York in order to speak to people and convert them to his anti-fad group.Marvel Team Up #96
August, 1980 By Alan Kupperberg. Howard the Duck, now working as a taxicab driver, has driven a customer to New York all the way from Cleveland. This man, calling himself Status Quo was a mild mannered librarian when the constant advent of new fads drove him into a madness. Wanting to destroy all fads, Status Quo began studying how the media and advertisers help encourage fads, and now has come to New York in order to speak to people and convert them to his anti-fad group.

Marvel Team Up #96 Near Mint
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Marvel Team Up #103 (1981) Jerry Bingham & Josef (Joe) Rubinstein Cover.  David Michelinie Story. Jerry Bingham Pencils. Third appearance of the Taskmaster (Anthony Masters)

Marvel Team Up #103 (1981) Jerry Bingham & Josef (Joe) Rubinstein Cover. David Michelinie Story. Jerry Bingham Pencils. 2nd Full Appearance & 3rd Appearance of the Taskmaster (Anthony Masters)"The Assassin Academy" – (22-page story) – Spider-Man and Ant-Man (Scott Lang) cross paths as both men investigate a mysterious organized crime operation in a warehouse on Lower Manhattan. The web-slinger is the first hero to go inside... and subsequently go down to defeat at the hands of the Taskmaster! Next it's Ant-Man's turn! However, the miniature hero succeeds in infiltrating the complex and freeing the wall-crawler! Now the astonishing Ant-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man pursue the Taskmaster to the top of the World Trade Center for their fight to the finish!
Marvel Team Up #103 Very Good/Fine $19.99
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Hulk and Ka-zar Marvel Team Up #104 In his Antarctic Savage Land, Ka•Zar leaps from an over-hanging branch onto the head of a marauding tyrannosaur. As Zabu keeps out of reach of the beast's jaws, Ka-Zar stabs it repeatedly with his knife, until at last it succumbs, never to molest the local villagers again. Thousands of miles north of the southern continent, the Hulk stands defiantly atop the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Bay. Marvel Team Up #104 April, 1981
In his Antarctic Savage Land, Ka•Zar leaps from an over-hanging branch onto the head of a marauding tyrannosaur. As Zabu keeps out of reach of the beast's jaws, Ka-Zar stabs it repeatedly with his knife, until at last it succumbs, never to molest the local villagers again. Thousands of miles north of the southern continent, the Hulk stands defiantly atop the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Bay.

Marvel Team Up #104 Fine/Very Fine $2.00
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Marvel Team Up #105 (1981) Allen (Al) Milgrom Cover Art. Mike W. Barr Story. Carmine Infantino Pencils.  Marvel Team Up #105 (1981) Allen (Al) Milgrom Cover Art. Mike W. Barr Story. Carmine Infantino Pencils. One night, Luke Cage and Dan Rand are flying in attorney Jeryn Hogarth's twin-engined airplane over the southwestern United States, looking for a pair of thieves. Instead of finding the criminals, however, they find the Hulk.

Marvel Team Up #105 Fine
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Marvel Team Up #136 Spider-Man and Wonder Man 1983. David Michelinie Story. Ron Frenz Cover And Pencils. Teaming up Spidey with Wonder-Man! Marvel Team Up #136 Spider-Man and Wonder Man 1983. David Michelinie Story. Ron Frenz Cover And Pencils.
Teaming up Spidey with Wonder-Man!

Marvel Team Up #136 Very Fine $9.99
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Marvel Team Up #137 (1984) Spider-Man & Franklin Richards  Michael (Mike) Carlin Story, Greg LaRocque  Cover And Pencils Marvel Team Up #137 (1984) Spider-Man & Franklin Richards Michael (Mike) Carlin Story, Greg LaRocque Cover And Pencils
Spider-Man & Franklin Richards vs. Galactus. Not a Hoax! Not a What If! Not an Imaginary Story!" preview: "The Sandman discovers that it's no simple thing for a super-villain to turn straight. Sandman's eager to do what's right, but he's got a long, sordid past that can't be wiped out by a single decision. What will he do when he come up against hid old foe, Spider-Man, and his old buddies, the Enforcers?

Marvel Team Up #137 Very Fine
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Marvel Team Up #138 Spider-Man and Sandman 1984. Tom DeFalco Story. Allen (Al) Milgrom  Cover And Greg LaRocque Pencils.  Starting Over! The Sandman is no longer a villain and finds a new job in Brooklyn as a warehouse worker. He also rents a room in the house of the Cassadas, a family that just opened a candy shop Marvel Team Up #138 Spider-Man and Sandman 1984. Tom DeFalco Story. Allen (Al) Milgrom Cover And Greg LaRocque Pencils.
Starting Over! The Sandman is no longer a villain and finds a new job in Brooklyn as a warehouse worker. He also rents a room in the house of the Cassadas, a family that just opened a candy shop

Marvel Team Up #138 Very Fine/Near Mint $4.00
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arvel Team Up #140 Spider-Man and Black Widow / Bill Mantlo Story. Ron Frenz Pencils. Marvel Team Up #140 Spider-Man and Black Widow / Bill Mantlo Story. Ron Frenz Pencils. To save a boy wrongly accused of murder, Spider-Man and the Black Widow sacrifice all! But it may not work — for there's someone against them — someone evil — someone deadly.
Marvel Team Up #140 Spider-Man and Black Widow Very Fine+ $7.99
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Marvel Team Up #142 (1984) Ed Hannigan and Bob Wiacek Cover Art / David Michelinie Story / Ron Frenz Pencils / Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau) Team-Up, 1st Appearance of P.R.I.D.E. Marvel Team Up #142 (1984) Ed Hannigan and Bob Wiacek Cover Art / David Michelinie Story / Ron Frenz Pencils / Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau) Team-Up, 1st Appearance of P.R.I.D.E. Weird things are happening! The world's leaders are being abducted to an unknown dimension — and only Spider-Man and the sensational new Captain Marvel are around to find out why — and how to stop it! Two of Marvel's mightiest heroes up to their necks in action! And what is... the Windstone?
Marvel Team Up #142 (1984) Very Fine+ $9.99
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Marvel Team Up #144 (1984) Spider-Man and Moon Knight / Cary Burkett Story. Greg LaRocque Cover & Pencils. 3rd Appearance of White Dragon Marvel Team Up #144 (1984) Spider-Man and Moon Knight / Cary Burkett Story. Greg LaRocque Cover & Pencils. 3rd Appearance of White Dragon "My Sword I Lay Down!" Moon Knight has come to Chinatown where a funeral for Do Yang, leader of the Tiger's Claw warrior society is underway. He was murdered by the costumed villain known as the White Dragon, who hopes to assert his dominance over Chinatown along with his Dragon Lords.
Marvel Team Up #144 (1984) Spider-Man and Moon Knight Very Fine- $17.99
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Marvel Team Up #145 (1984) Spider-Man and Iron Man (Jim Rhodes) /  Greg LaRocque Cover & Pencils / Tony Isabella Story Marvel Team Up #145 (1984) Spider-Man and Iron Man (Jim Rhodes) / Greg LaRocque Cover & Pencils / Tony Isabella Story "Hometown Boy" Spider-Man is rushing to LaGuardia Airport as he has been assigned to cover the annual Convention of Electronics, Engineers, and Innovators taking place in Cleveland, Ohio for the Daily Bugle.
Marvel Team Up #145 (1984) Spider-Man and Iron Man (Jim Rhodes) Very Fine
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Marvel Team Up Annual #7 1984 Paul Neary & John Byrne Cover Artists. Louise Simonson Story. Paul Neary Pencils. Spider-Man teams up with Alpha Flight for this once-a-year spectacle! The Collector is on the loose! First, he collects Spidey — then he collects Marrina — and then the action starts! Plus — Ever wonder what a super hero battle is like... from an innocent bystander's point of view? This offbeat story stars the Crimson Dynamo, the Black Panther, and the Human Torch. Marvel Team Up Annual #7 1984 Paul Neary & John Byrne Cover Artists. Louise Simonson Story. Paul Neary Pencils.
Spider-Man teams up with Alpha Flight for this once-a-year spectacle! The Collector is on the loose! First, he collects Spidey — then he collects Marrina — and then the action starts! Plus — Ever wonder what a super hero battle is like... from an innocent bystander's point of view? This offbeat story stars the Crimson Dynamo, the Black Panther, and the Human Torch.

Marvel Team Up Annual #7 Very Fine
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