Fantastic Four Vol. 5 (2014-2015) Marvel Comics
Fantastic Four #1 (2014) Leonard Kirk Cover & Pencils, James Robinson Story, Fin Fang Foom Appearance, Howard Silver 1st Appearance "The Fall of the Fantastic Four, pt. 1" The world's greatest comics magazine begins anew with Marvel's First Family, the Fantastic Four! But as the brilliant MR. FANTASTIC, the compassionate INVISIBLE WOMAN, the ever lovin' THING & the hot-headed HUMAN TORCH embark on a strange mission, they aren't met with new beginnings, but an untimely end! As the family of cosmic explorers head towards their darkest hour, who could possibly be behind their downfall? And how is one of their oldest enemies, the sadistic dragon known as Fing-Fang-Foom involved? Prepare for the fantastic!
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Fantastic Four #1 (2014)
Near Mint/Mint+ $7.99
Fantastic Four #2 (2014) Leonard Kirk Cover & Pencils, James Robinson Story, Monsters from the Dimension F Appearance, H.E.R.B.I.E. (Cameo) "The Fall of the Fantastic Four", part 2 Manhattan is under attack by a monstrous killer swarm from a corrupted pocket universe, and in order to defeat it the FANTASTIC FOUR will need all their courage, powers and skill... as well as those of every other hero in New York! But to attain final victory one of the First Family will must make a TERRIBLE SACRIFICE! And so the first strings are pulled and the first pieces are put in place... ...On the Fantastic Four's DOWNFALL!
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Fantastic Four #2 (2014)
Near Mint/Mint+ $7.99