Don Bluths Space Ace (2009) Arcana Studios Comics SPACE ACE, based on legendary animator Don Bluth's cult classic video game, follows the intergalactic exploits of the amazing Ace, astro-babe Kimmy, and one-time nemesis Baby Borf, in a hilarious cosmic thrill ride. Brought to you by CrossGen publishing client MVCreations, the six-issue all-ages adventure blasts off on August 20th.
Don Bluth's Space Ace #3 (2009) Paul Borges Cover & Pencils, Robert Kirkman Story Based on the hit Don Bluth Sci-Fi video game! Trapped on a planet of junk, Ace keeps randomly transforming into young Dexter and elderly Old Ace. Elsewhere in space, the villainous plans of twin terrors Borf and Gorf are revealed! 1 Item In Stock Don Bluth's Space Ace #3 Very Fine/Near Mint $11.99 SOLD OUT Click On Images For Closer View EBAY STORE Top Of Page |