We offer rare and classic comic books, collectible comic books and out of print comics of every category and genre. A fantastic selection of collectibles that include Marvel, DC, Archie, Image, Graphic Novels, Western, Valiant, Harvey, Dell, Gold Key, Disney, War, Super Heroes, Golden Age, Silver Age, independent. Top Of Page
Rare classics by comic book artist legends like Bob Layton and his works on Iron Man. Batman #157 (1963) Sheldon Moldoff Art, Bill Finger & Dave Wood Writers, Todd Mcfarlanefirst appearances in Spiderman and The Incredible Hulk. And others like Neal Adams, Will Eisner, Jack Kirby, X-Force #2 (1991) 2nd Appearance of Deadpool, Steve Ditko, John Buscema, John Romita's Spiderman works, George Perez early 80's Avengers and New Teen Titans, Metal Men, Gene "The Dean" Colan's Daredevil Comics, Frank Miller, Escape From New York, Curt Swan's impeccable drawing style on Superman , Mike Mignola (0ne of comicdom's most favorite of all sought-after cover artists) and Hellboy, The Mystery Men, works by Walt Simonson, Arthur Adams' Xmen, Jackson (then known as Butch) Guice, The incredible John Bryne, Flex Mentallo
by Grant Morrison, Jim Lee the most influential stylist in comics over the last 10 years, Mark Schultz, Carmine Infantino, Silver Surfer Mini Series, Steve Rude & Mike Baron well known primarily as the artist/co-creators of Nexus, Bernie Wrightson, and the list goes on! Top Of Page
And we offer an assortment of comics written by some of the greatest comic book writers of all time like Mike Baron of Nexus fame, William Messner-Loebs, Len Wein, Erik Larsen, Alan Grant Batman stories, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, Harley Quinn 2016 DC Rebirth, Grant Morrison's successful runs on titles like Animal Man, Infinite Frontier (2021), , Roy William Thomas, Jr. ,Am Groot, The X-Men's Chris Claremont,Strange Adventures (2020), V for Vendetta, Adventure Time (2012), Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2016) and Swampthing's Alan Moore, Outcast #1 1st Print by Robert Kirkman, Mike Mignola's Hellboy, Keith Giffen stories, Constantine, Peter David's Hulk, World War Hulks, , Hawk and Dove, Todd McFarlane best known for his work in comic books such as the fantasy series Spawn, and from the Sandman fame Neil Gaiman, Bat Lash Created by Joe Orlando, Carmine Infantino, Sheldon Mayer & Sergio Aragonés, and so many others!
Below is a list of comic books we have in stock.
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